Police Reform

Erica’s Accomplishments in the Statehouse: 

  • Sponsored HB 134 – De-escalation techniques for peace officers requiring peace officers to complete training on de-escalation techniques, implicit bias, procedural justice, and mental health issues
  • Sponsored HB 721 – De-militarizing the police which prohibits a political subdivision from receiving certain property from a military equipment surplus program operated by the federal government and to limit the use of federal funds to purchase equipment.

As Commissioner, Erica works to ensure that our neighbors can live in their communities with safety and security – advocating at every level of government for legislation that will protect citizens and law enforcement as well as bring transparency and accountability. 

Erica’s Accomplishments in the Statehouse: 
  • Sponsored HB 134 – De-escalation techniques for peace officers requiring peace officers to complete training on de-escalation techniques, implicit bias, procedural justice, and mental health issues
  • Sponsored HB 721 – De-militarizing the police which prohibits a political subdivision from receiving certain property from a military equipment surplus program operated by the federal government and to limit the use of federal funds to purchase equipment.
As Commissioner, Erica works to ensure that our neighbors can live in their communities with safety and security – advocating at every level of government for legislation that will protect citizens and law enforcement as well as bring transparency and accountability.